About Us

Migrationzone, is a service provided by Samartha Information Systems from 2004.

Our main aim is to provide our client up to date information on Australian Migration, and help them, guide them if they decide to migrate to Australian.

We  provide candid and frank opinion on your chances to get Australian visa. We also provide our services to clients who have unsuccessfully tried to get Australian visa/ Skill assessment and there application was not successful.

Our registered Migration consultant is registered with MARA (MARN 0425512) and is also member of Migration institute of Australia. As a registered migration agent we follow code of conduct to provide services to our clients. You can also download consumer guide to know what can be reasonably expected from a registered migration agent.

We can provide consultation by Phone, e-mail, Skype , in person.

Contact us for more information

Registered Office:
1, Avon Place, Leumeah, NSW – 2560

Sydney Office:
Samartha Information Systems Pty Ltd
1, 299 Elizabeth Street,
NSW – 2000

Tel: 61-2-9126-3359
Fax: 61-2-8572-9452

Postal Address:
PO BOX 533 X
NSW – 2560